European centre of vocational excellence in microelectronics3. ECoVEM – European centre of vocational excellence in microelectronics
PROJECT OBJECTIVE | The ECoVEM project brings together vocational educational and training centres, polytechnics, industrial associations and social partners to establish a European Cooperation Platform for Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to address the challenges of: digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, and migrant integration. ECoVEM implements innovative instructional approaches aimed towards a life-long capacity to self-regulate learning, hard skills and soft skills using the ecosystem-based theoretical models and performance support systems.
PROJECT BUDGET | The Project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA3 – Support for Policy Reform/Centres of Vocational Excellence programme (Grant Agreement No. 620101-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA3-VET-COVE(2020 – 2024))
Total Budget: 4988113
EU funding: 3990321
DURATION | 48 months (11.2020 – 10.2024)
FOR MORE INFORMATION | https://ecovem.eu/
Accedi ai progetti
COMET, nell’anno 2018, ha ottenuto la prestigiosa certificazione “Cluster Management Excellence Label BRONZE – Striving for Cluster Excellence”, riconosciuta a livello europeo.
La certificazione è stata rilasciata a seguito di un’intervista, condotta dal Segretariato europeo per l’analisi dei cluster (ESCA) di VDI / VDE Innovation, che ha approfondito 36 indicatori relativi la struttura, la gestione, i servizi e la governance, nonchè i contatti, l’interazione all’interno del cluster e i risultati ottenuti.
Il benchmarking effettuato da ESCA rappresenta uno strumento strategico per valutare il posizionamento a livello europeo del Cluster COMET e per la pianificazione delle attività future.